- For information regarding the request for review process, please visit our website at:
- The address and documents you provide will be disclosed to other parties to this request for review.
- You must complete and send this form to the Tribunal by registered mail, courier, email or fax.
- DO NOT send your Request for Review by ordinary mail.
Send completed form to:
Canada Agricultural Review Tribunal Secretariat
Administrative Tribunals Support Service of Canada
344 Slater St, 15th floor, Suite 300
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0B7
T. 613-943-6405 / F. 613-943-6429
How to fill out and send your form
Follow these steps to fill out and send us your form:
Step 1: How to fill out your form
- This form is available in 2 formats: large font PDF and HTML
- Use the format you prefer
- If you use a screen reader, use the HTML form
- You can fill out the form electronically or print the blank form and fill it out with a pen
- If you fill out the form electronically, the information you enter in the form will not be saved online. You need to save the page to your own computer or device, or the information you enter will be lost.
Step 2: How to sign your form
Choose how you want to sign your form.
You can:
- Print the form and sign it with a pen
- Fill out the form electronically and choose one of these methods to sign it:
- Type your name in the signature box
- Draw or insert an electronic signature (some PDF readers have a signature function that lets you draw or insert an electronic signature)
Step 3: How to send your form
Send us your form by registered mail, courier, email or fax. Email is fastest.